Gambar Sampul Bahasa Inggris · a_Unit 1 Thanksgiving is a Celebration Day
Bahasa Inggris · a_Unit 1 Thanksgiving is a Celebration Day

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iJoko Priyana, Ph.DEka Denis MachfutraZayin Adib MuhammadPusat PerbukuanDepartemen Pendidikan NasionalInterlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XILanguage Study Programme
iiInterlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XIPenulis : Joko Priyana, Ph.DEka DenisMachfutraZayin Adib MuhammadEditor Ahli : Sugi Iswalono, M.A.Editor :Ikhsan BamantiPerancang Kulit : BeneLayouter : JunaediIlustrator : Ipunk KristiantoFoto-foto : Dokumen PenerbitUkuran Buku : 17,6 x 25 cmDiterbitkan oleh Pusat PerbukuanDepartemen Pendidikan NasionalTahun 2008Diperbanyak oleh....Hak Cipta pada Departemen Pendidikan NasionalDilindungi Undang-undangInterlanguage:English for Senior High School Students XILanguage Study ProgrammePRIYANA, Joko Interlanguage : english for Senior High School Student XI language study programme/ Joko Priyana, Zayin Adib Muhammad, Eka Denis Machfutra ; ditor Sugi Iswalono, Ikhsan Bamanti. -- Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional , 2008. viii, 334 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 Cm. Bibliografi; hlm. 293-296 Indeks ISBN 979-462-897-2 1. Bahasa Inggris-Studi dan Pengajaran I. Judul II. Muhamad, Zayin Adib III. Machfutra, Eka Denis IV. Iswalono, Sugi V. Bamanti, Ikhsan420.07PRIi
iiiiiiKata SambutanKata SambutanPuji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya, Pemer-intah, dalam hal ini, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, pada tahun 2008, telah membeli hak cipta buku teks pelajaran ini dari penulis/penerbit untuk disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat melalui situs internet (website) Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional.Buku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan telah ditetapkan sebagai buku teks pelajaran yang memenuhi syarat kelayakan untuk digu-nakan dalam proses pembelajaran melalui Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 34 Tahun 2008. Kami menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada para penulis/penerbit yang telah berkenan mengalihkan hak cipta karyanya kepada Departemen Pendidi-kan Nasional untuk digunakan secara luas oleh para siswa dan guru di seluruh Indonesia.Buku-buku teks pelajaran yang telah dialihkan hak ciptanya kepada Departemen Pendidikan Nasional ini, dapat diunduh (down load), digandakan, dicetak, dialihmediakan, atau difotokopi oleh masyarakat. Namun, untuk penggandaan yang bersifat komersial harga penjualannya harus memenuhi ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah. Diharapkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran ini akan lebih mudah diakses sehingga siswa dan guru di selu-ruh Indonesia maupun sekolah Indonesia yang berada di luar negeri dapat memanfaatkan sumber belajar ini.Kami berharap, semua pihak dapat mendukung kebijakan ini. Kepada para siswa kami ucapkan selamat belajar dan manfaatkanlah buku ini sebaik-baiknya. Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih perlu ditingkatkan mutunya. Oleh karena itu, saran dan kritik sangat kami harapkan. Jakarta, Juli 2008 Kepala Pusat Perbukuan
ivInterlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XIPuji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberi hidayah, kekuatan, kesehatan, dan ketabahan kepada kami sehingga penyusunan bahan ajar seri Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students ini terselesaikan. Bahan ajar ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk peserta didik kelas XI sesuai dengan Standar Isi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris 2006. Materi dan tugas pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Communicative Approach untuk secara terintegrasi mengembangkan kompetensi peserta didik dalam keempat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain itu materi dan tugas pembelajaran secara terpadu mengembangkan kecakapan hidup dalam arti luas dan peningkatan wawasan kebhinekaan. Materi dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam bahan ajar ini diorganisasikan ke dalam dua siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan menekankan pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa lisan (menyimak dan berbicara), siklus tulis mengembangkan keterampilan dalam berbahasa tulis (membaca dan menulis). Sesuai dengan prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan keempat keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus tulis tersusun atas empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan terhadap bahasa target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa target secara terbimbing maupun bebas. Selain itu, untuk keperluan pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas terstruktur berupa pekerjaan rumah dan review. Kegiatan-kegiatan belajar dikembangkan untuk menjadikan siswa secara aktif belajar Bahasa Inggris melalui kegiatan memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk mengekspresikan gagasan dan perasaan secara alami. Dalam pembelajaran, guru diharapkan bertindak sebagai fasilitator, pemberi umpan balik, dan pendorong siswa agar berani menggunakan bahasa target untuk berkomunikasi secara akurat dan berterima. Penyusunan buku ajar ini terselesaikan atas dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu terselesaikannya penyusunan buku ini.Walaupun kami telah menyusun bahan ajar ini dengan upaya yang sungguh-sungguh, karena berbagai keterbatasan kami, buku ini masih memiliki sejumlah kekurangan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mengharapkan masukan dari berbagai pihak, terutama guru dan siswa pengguna buku ini, untuk perbaikan lebih lanjut. Januari, 2008PenulisKata Pengantar
vDaftar IsiDaftar IsiKata Sambutan ....................................................................................................................... iiiKata Pengantar ....................................................................................................................... ivKey to Pronunciation .............................................................................................................. viiList of Abbreviation ................................................................................................................. viiiUNIT I Thanksgiving is a Celebration Day ................................................................. 1Granting RequestReport TextsUNIT II Sydney is a Metropolitan City ......................................................................... 21Expressing DisatisfactionReport TextsUNIT III Saving Energy Can Reduce Global Warming ................................................ 39Asking for Opinion PosterAnalytical Exposition Texts PamphletUNIT IV All Students Should Get a Drug Free Education ........................................... 59Advising and WarningAnalytical ExpositionsUNIT V A Long, Long Time Ago .................................................................................... 75Expressing PleasureExpressing PainExpressing ReliefNarrative TextsUNIT VI Good Morning, You’re Watching English News ............................................. 95Stages in Reading NewsStages in Reporting News and Interviewing the Source of the News Stages in Interviewing GuestsNews reading TextsDialogue Interactive TextsUNIT VII It’s My Pleasure to Welcome You to the Seminar. ....................................... 113Stages in Emceeing Stages in Presenting Radio ProgrammeEmceeing TextsEvent Organizer Checklist Review Semester 1 ................................................................................................................. 131
viInterlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XIUNIT VIII Once Upon a Time, There was Once a Guy Who Was Very Much in Love with a Girl ........................................................................................................... 141 Expressing Love and SadnessNarrative TextsUNIT IX Indonesian Should Promote Multiculturalism and Preserve Its CulturalIdentity ................................................................................................................ 161Expressing StanceHortatory Expositions PosterUNIT X The Government Should Build More Boarding School. ................................ 179Expressing AnnoyanceHortatory Exposition PamphletUNIT XI Good, Because I Didn’t ................................................................................... 197Expressing Embarrassment Spoof TextsUNIT XII A Pirate Was Talking to a “Land Lubber” in a Bar. ....................................... 215Expressing AngerSpoof Texts Pamphlet UNIT XIII Let’s Read Short Stories and Perform Dramas ............................................ 233 DramaMaking Drama PropsShort StorisSummarizing a Short StoryUNIT XIV Do You Like Watching and Singing Songs? ................................................... 251 Movie ScriptSong LyricsWriting Essay about a SongUNIT XV The Words in This Poem are Beautiful. .......................................................... 265PoetryPersona and CharactersMusical DevicesPoetry AnalysisReview Semester 2 ................................................................................................................. 283Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................................................................ 293Appendix 1: Listening script .................................................................................................. 297Appendix 2: Answer key ......................................................................................................... 319Subject Index ........................................................................................................................... 321Mini Dictionary ....................................................................................................................... 324Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 331
viiVowelPhonetics symbols Example Pronunciationseeanytenhat armgotsawputtoocupfuragopayfivehomenowjoinnearhairpureConsonantsPhonetics symbols Example Pronunciation penbadteadidcatgotchinjunefallvanthinthenKey to PronunciationKey to Pronunciation
viiiInterlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XIsozooshevisionhowmannosinglegredyeswetList of Abbreviationskb : kata bendakki : kata kerja intransitifkkt : kata kerja transitifks : kata sifatkk : kata keterangan
1Thanksgiving is A Celebration Day.THANKSGIVING IS A CELEBRATION DAY.UNIT I1Thanksgiving is A Celebration Day.
2Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XIDo you often read encyclopedias, books, or other sources which give you information on something? You may find information reports on different things from those sources. If you are curious of the cultural tradition from other regions such as thanksgiving celebration, you can find that type of information there. Can you write such information reports? Learn those and more in this unit through challenging tasks.In your everyday life you often find people requesting many things from you. You might agree or refuse other people’s requests. Therefore, you should know how to grant requests. Do you know how to do it very well?
3Thanksgiving is A Celebration Day.A. Let’s Get ReadyIn pairs, match each celebration with its name by drawing an arrow. Then, answer the questions based on your knowledge.Task 1Questions1. Which of the above celebrations do you know?2. Why do people celebrate it?3. How do they celebrate it?4. When do they celebrate it?Pictures:1. my2. Robert Wallance on Flickr.com3. http://www.more4kids.info4. http://www.eatingdisorders.about.com12345New YearHalloweenThanksgivingGawai DayakEaster
4Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XIPronounce and learn the meaning of the following words. Then, complete the sentences with the suitable word. Compare your answers with your partner’s.festival (kb) : festivalceremony (kb) : upacaracelebration (kb): perayaancelebrated (kb) : merayakanfeast (kb): makan besar1. Maras Taun is a thanksgiving ... of Belitung island.2. Indonesian students have a flag ... on Monday morning.3. There is usually a ... in a wedding reception.4. We are going to hold the New Year ... tomorrow.5. Thanksgiving Day is ... in Canada and North America.Task 2B. Let’s Act1. Listen and SpeakTask 3MARAS TAUNWhat? Maras taun is a harvest festival from Bangka Belitung.What for?When?How?Listen to the dialogue and complete the following chart. One part has been completed as an example. The listening script is in the Appendix. Compare your answers with a classmate’s.
5Thanksgiving is A Celebration Day.By the Way...Thanksgiving is celebrated in many cultures around the world. It is celebrated differently but there are several things in common between thanksgivings in those various cultures. They are:ƒAll thanksgiving is celebrated to express and show happiness and thankfulness of God’s grace.ƒAll thanksgiving celebrations have feast within the celebration. Task 4Match the words in the box with their definitions/meanings. harvest hauling calmnessseason pound blessed1. ____________: the actions of picking ripe crops.2. ____________: a part of the year when something usually happens.3. ____________: a quiet or not a rough way of something.4. ____________: protected by God.5. ____________: the amount of fish that are being caught.6. ____________: to hit hard.Study the following expressions.Granting RequestIn the dialogue between Ayu and Palupi you find the following expressions:Ayu : Will you tell me about it?Palupi: Sure, I will.Ayu : Let’s try to make lepat sometimes.Palupi: OK.Sure, I willand OK are expressions to grant a request.Here are other expressions that you can use:ƒAlright.ƒCertainly.ƒRight away.ƒOf course.Task 5
6Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XITask 6Listen to the following short dialogues and list the expressions to grant a request. The listen-ing script is in the Appendix.Granting Requests________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Task 7Listen to the following information twice and answer the questions. The following words might help you understand the text. The listening script is in the Appendix.choirmaster (kb) creeper (kb) grace (kb) gram (kb) hymn (kb) litany (kb) tinsel paper (kb) vine (kb) wheat (kb) : pemimpin/ konduktor paduan suara: tumbuhan yang menjalar: rizki/ anugrah: polong-polongan: nyanyian pujian: rangkaian doa: kertas marmer: tumbuh-tumbuhan yang merambat: gandumQuestions1. What is the information about?2. Where is thanksgiving in India mostly celebrated?3. What is thanksgiving called in India?4. Who sponsor the celebration? 5. What does Christians prepare for thanksgiving?Cultural TipsIn refusing a request we should be polite. We should show that we are sorry and express our regret to the person asking for a request.Picture:
7Thanksgiving is A Celebration Day.Task 8Complete the following sentences. The words in the box may help you. Compare your answers with your partner’s.1. Anna becomes the ... of the choir.2. We decorate the Christmas tree with colourful ....3. We are thankful for God’s ... that are given to us.4. Christians sing ... at church.5. Grape is a type of ....6. Chickpeas and lentils are ....7. We need ... flour to make bakwan.8. We always say ... before we eat.9. Ivies are ....choirmastercreepergracetinselvinelitanygramhymnwheatIn pairs, summarize the information that you learn from the dialogue below in the following chart. Then, perform the dialogue.Dorothy : Hi, Asma. Are you busy now?Asma : Well, I’m just finishing an assignment. What is it?Dorothy : I have to make a report on a thanksgiving celebration form another region. Will you help me?Asma : Well, I’m not sure. I have to finish my assignment too.Dorothy : It won’t take long, I promise. I’m just going to ask you some information. Please...Asma : Oh, OK.Dorothy : Thank you.Asma : What do you want to know?Dorothy : Well I heard that there’s a thanksgiving celebration in Malaysia. Please tell me about it.Asma : Alright. Well, there is a thanksgiving celebration called Kadazan harvest festival or locally known as Tadau Ka’amatan. It is celebrated every May. It is celebrated to thank the Rice God. They believe that without rice there is no life.Doroty : What things are done during the festival?Asma : People usually wear their traditional costumes and they give tapai (homemade fer-mented rice wine) to each other. Traditional games, buffalo races, agricultural shows and cultural programmes are performed.Dorothy : Is that all?Asma : Well, that’s all that I know. Dorothy : OK, thanks a lot.Asma : Anytime.Task 9
8Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XIReport the information that you have summarized on Kadazan harvest festival. Use the following questions.1. What is the celebration called?2. What is it celebrated for?3. Where is it celebrated?4. When is it celebrated?5. How is it celebrated?Task 10Task 11Read the following information and then report the main points to your group.There is a holiday called Labour Thanksgiving Day (Kinrô kansha no hi) in Japan. It is a na-tional holiday in Japan and it takes place annually on November 23. It is held as an occasion for commemorating labour and production and giving one another thanks.Events are held throughout Japan in this holiday, such as Nagano Labour Festival. The event encourages thinking about the environment, peace and human rights.It is not unusual for early grade elementary students to create drawings for the holiday and give them as gifts to local kobans, or police stations.Labor Thanksgiving Day is actually the modern version for an ancient rice harvest festival known as Niiname-sai (ᣂཏ⑂), believed to have been held as long ago as November of 678. Traditionally, it celebrated the year’s hard work; during the Niiname-sai ceremony, the Emperor would dedicate the year’s harvest to kami (spirits), and taste the rice for the first time.The modern holiday was established after World War II in 1948 as a day to mark some of the changes of the postwar constitution of Japan, including fundamental human rights and the expansion of workers rights. Currently Niiname-sai is held privately by the Imperial Family while Labour Thanksgiving Day has become a national holiday.http://www.wikipedia.comKadazan Harvest FestivalWhat for?When?How?What?
9Thanksgiving is A Celebration Day.Task 12Choose the correct answer to every question below based on the text in Task 11.1. What is the information about?a. Labour Dayb. Labour Thanksgiving Dayc. Thanksgiving Day d. Niiname-saie. Japanese national holidays2. When is it held?a. October 24b. October 23c. November 13d. November 23e. November 243. What is it held for?a. to celebrate the first harvestb. to celebrate labour, production, and thank each otherc. to encourage human right, celebrate the first harvest and thank each otherd. to give the spirit some offeringe. to taste the first rice from the harvest4. When is Kinrô kansha no hifirst held?a. after World War I in 1948b. before World War I in 1948c. after World War II in 1948d. before World War II in 1948e. after World War II in 19435. What is Niiname-sai?a. A harvest celebrationb. Labour Day celebrationc. Labour Thanksgiving Day celebrationd. A Japanese national holidaye. An International holiday6. Who held Niiname-sai privately?a. people b. governmentc. Imperial family d. Emperor e. workers
10Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XITask 14Study how the following words are pronounced.Silent –gh-In the expressions “Right  and “Alright” the –gh- are silent. That is because they are silent letters. Here are other words which also have silent –gh-.ƒfightƒflightƒlightƒmightƒnightNow, try pronouncing the words above.Find eight words with silent –gh- in the puzzle below. The words may go vertically or horizontally. Then pronounce them once you find them.WRAPKNEEAREMUSCLEPOEMSR I GH IWROTHBEAMI GHTSEEGHT LOVELI E V E EOOA T HKN I GH T SRONTHT I GHTBOGGYORTWI SS I GHTRUSHTGOAG I GWR I STCASTLEHKGHUHG T PRE T T Y S L I GH TGO TH I CKCH I CKGO TGHTask 15Task 13Interview two of your friends on a traditional thanksgiving festival that they know. You may use the provided questions as a guideline or create some on your own.Questions you may ask1. Is there any thanksgiving festival in your region? If so, what is it called? If no, what thanks-giving festival do you know?2. What is it celebrated for?3. When is it celebrated?4. What do people do in the festival?5. Have you ever participated in the festival?
11Thanksgiving is A Celebration Day.Read the following poem together. Then, in groups of three discuss what the poem is about.Thankful(Unknown)Week before Thanksgiving,I limp around real strange. Huddle in the corner, As though I have the mange. All the other turkeys, Just gobble, gobble on. I’m silent, and I act As if my gobbler’s gone. Everyone is thankful On Thanksgiving Day. Friday it’s forgotten. You all go on your way. I know what thankful is So listen when I say. “It’s great to be a turkey, After Thanksgiving Day.” Task 16By the Way...The first thanksgiving in America was celebrated In October of 1621 at Plymouth. Only 50 Pilgrims survived through the harsh winter in Plymouth. The Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest with feasting and games to increase the morale of the 50 remaining colonists. It is also used to thank the native Indians who have helped them.Picture: http://cache.eb.comTaken from: http://www.thanksgiving-day.orgPicture 1: http://www.lakejunaluska.comPicture 2: http://www.
12Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XITask 17Meet five of your classmates and ask them things and events that grant request. Ask them the expressions they say when they experience them.Report SheetName Student Number: ::NameExpressionsTask 18Read the following information and then decide whether the statements are true or false according to the text. Correct the false statements and then ask your friend to check your answer and revision.Gawai DayakGawai Day or Gawai Dayak, is a festival celebrated in Sarawak. It is both a religious and social occasion. Gawai Dayak literally means “Dayak Festival”. Dayak visit their friends and relatives on this day. Those far away receive greeting cards. The mode of celebrations varies from place to place.2. Read and Write
13Thanksgiving is A Celebration Day.The festival is celebrated on the 1st of June every year. However, it actually starts on the evening of 31st of May. Gawai Dayak celebration may last for several days.On the evening of 31st of May, the ceremony to cast the greediness spirit away (Muai Antu Rua) is held. Then, offering ceremony (miring) is conducted. Thanking gods for the good harvest, guidance, blessings and long life is done through sacrificing a cockerel. At midnight spirit welcoming procession (Ngaluh Petara) is held. Then, the celebration gets merrier as people start singing and reading poems.On the 1st of June, the homes of the Dayaks are opened to visitors. Cock-fighting, blowpipe skill demonstration, and ngajat competitions are held. It is also during this time of the year that many Dayak weddings take place. Today, it is an integral part of Dayak social life. It is a thanksgiving day marking good harvest and a time to plan for the new farming season or activities ahead.Adapted from: http://www.wikipedia.comPicture: http://www.flicker.comStatementsTFReason1. Gawai Dayak is a Dayak festival.2. Sacrifice is done through slaughtering a turkey.3. The celebration begins on the 1st of June.4. Gawai Dayak is now a thanksgiving day of good harvest and planting season.5. In the Gawai Dayak’s eve the people are very silent.Study the following sentences and its form.Serawak people celebrate Gawai Dayak. [Active]S V OGawai Dayak is celebrated by Serawak people. [Passive]S BE V3 by phraseƒThe object of an active sentence becomes the subject in its passive form.ƒThe subject of an active sentence becomes the object in its passive form.ƒPattern of passive voice (for simple present tense): S + BE + V3Task 19
14Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XITask 21Task 20Read the following information on thanksgiving celebrations in USA and Canada. Find the answers to the following questions. Compare your answers with your partners. 1. What is the Thanksgiving Day?2. Where is it celebrated?3. When is it celebrated in Canada?4. How long does the celebration last in the USA?5. How is it celebrated?Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a cel-ebration of harvest, thankfulness for peace, and the attempt of Native Americans. It is celebrated in late autumn. In the past, Thanksgiving was celebrated for their rich harvest in New England. In North America, however, it was originally held to thank God for their survival in the new land which was not easy for them. However, in Canada, it had been celebrated as in New England. Thanksgiving now is celebrated in United States of America and in Canada. Thanksgiving festivals are held every fourth Thursday of November in the U.S and on the second Monday of October in Canada. It is usually celebrated in four to five days in the North America and for three days in Canada.Express the ideas below in the passive voice form.1. They celebrate Maras Taun once a year.2. We sing and dance on Maras Taun.3. We pound rice to cook lepat.4. Malaysians celebrate Tadau Ka’amatan.5. Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Festival on the 2nd Monday of October.6. They sacrifice a cockerel to thank God.7.
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